About REMC

A  Dream Reborn!

Following the most unfortunate developments, and the complete deterioration of the original ERMC, the ERMC BOT- Cony Luv, Sobag & FD, decided it was finally time to move on.  It was time to chart a new and noble course yet again, away from the immobilising rubble in which they had been spinning their wheels.  It was after all them who had originally conceived and travailed in the birth of the ERMC, and so they could resurrect the vision yet again, and build another better and praiseworthy bikers’ club, with the added benefit of hindsight from the experiences they had endured and navigated.  The dream-vessel cannot become greater than the dream.  The vehicle cannot be greater than the vision.  The Dream must go on, the voyage must continue!

Yes, this new club would be for men and women of real character, people with a purity of conscience, morals and purpose, who could uphold tasking values and standards, and pass them on to other riders and the new generation.  A new Club for like minds with a shared goal and vision; a Club with the guiding lights of unity, moral discipline and responsibility, togetherness and brotherly comradeship…  A Club for men and women of honour, integrity & commitment… And that, my friends, is the new “Ride Easy Motorcycle Club”, REMC!!!! A club birthed from the ashes of despair and chaos… rising up with renewed purpose and determination, like the legendary indomitable Phoenix!

The Story that led to the “rebirth” is writen for history and can be seen here shortly.

The REMC is guided by her constitution. Entry into the club starts at the “Prospect” level. Intending members will then have to be determined as they climb to member WHITE, then Member RED and finally to Member BLACK status. The club is run by Members BLACK who are men of proven commitment, having demonstrated their adherance to the core values of the club.


Considering joining up? Please view the Club Documents and put in your application

1. Constitution

2. Membership Application Form