
Inaugural Ride Report

Inaugural Ride Report

So the day comes!

Assembled at Epesok Paper mill by 7am where Sobag, FD, Amanor, Easy, Prince Adedeji, Engr Yinka, Saidu, Dayo, Tayo and I. Saidu couldnt find the key to his R6, his Z750 was not ride ready…….what to do? He found the Key and determined to ride, promised to gear up and hook up with the Trike Master in VGC so they could meet up with us at Epe.

Ride brief, ride number, prayer and we were on our way. Point to note, there were 5 “expressway freshers” on this ride. Going through Berger to Mowe, Ofada Redeem was a breeze as we all kept to the staggered formation.

Past Redeem, unto the 10Km bumpy stretch to Sagamu and the ride slowed down to an average of about 50kmph.

Making the bend at sagamu onto the Sagamu – Benin expressway, we opened up the pace to a steady 150Kmph looking back in my mirrors I could see Easy and Amanor coping with ease.

Past Sagamu and Ijebu-Ode Junction, we had our 1st stop at the Epe Junction off the Benin expressway. Dayo and Fd caught up (apparently, Dayo hadn’t fueled up before the ride). # mins later Prince and Engr Yinka caught up with the Varadero and GS1200.

We reassembled and continued on our tour. This route to EPE had to be taken slow due to the “not so smooth tar surface”. Turned off to Atlantic hall frontage to meet up with the Trike & R6 but they weren’t there so we continued to Sobag’s Country home and got there at about 9.30am

The country home was most impressive with a large beautiful and well maintained landscape, a garrage for the bikes and cool breeze to refresh the soul.

So we parked our steeds and proceeded to the living room for breakfast.

Breakfast was succulent sandwich with malt and soft drinks to wash it down.  20 minutes later, the Trike and R6 rolled in, parked and and joined us at the table.

It was refreshing to just sit in the morning mist and gist. There was a President turntable which we thought would provide some classic tunes but there was no pin to spin, we made do with Tayo(Kapitan)’s classic tunes from his phone.

Having had a wonderful time, we saddled up again to complete out tour. Now 11 in number, we split into 2 groups with the RC, Easy, Amanor, Saidu and Akin (the Triker) in one group while Sobag, Prince, Engr Yinka, Tayo, Dayo and FD made up the second group. Taking our numbers and riding out, group 2 gave us a 5 minute lead.

Ride back VGC was smooth maxing out to about 140 kmph. The Trike does move! We all gathered at VGC where Akin and Saidu peeled off, Engr Yinka too. The rest of us then rode C-Style to Chibuzor the chairman’s house for a brief visit and ended the ride there.

It was a refreshing ride.

Bikes on the ride: VFR800, VFR1200, S1000rr, N750, Z1000, Z1000s, GS1200, Varadero1000, Z1200rr, R6 and CanAm.

ToTal Distance: 250Km

Weather condition: Cool

Dicta RC

mBlack BoT

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